Providing practical information to parents and caregivers of children aged 15 and over who are considering an apprenticeship or traineeship.
BGT Jobs & Training Ballarat employs apprentices and trainees and places them with our host employers.
We'll meet with your child to discuss their employment needs
We'll assist with numeracy and literacy, skills testing and interview preparation
We'll actively match your child with the right employer
Our recruitment process will provide your child with the best available options and opportunities to find that perfect apprenticeship or traineeship.
We have a large number of employers looking for the right candidate.
Apprentices learn a skilled trade (e.g., plumbing, electrical, carpentry) under the guidance of an experienced professional over a 3-4 year period. They learn skills and knowledge required for their chosen trade, profession or industry and attend a Registered Training Organisation to complete a Certificate III over the course of their apprenticeship.
Trainees learn practical skills, work experience and industry-specific knowledge under the supervision of experienced professionals in a wide range of industries and roles (e.g., hospitality, office administration, information technology) over a 1-2 year period. They complete a Certificate III over the course of their traineeship through a Registered Training Organisation.
The safety and wellbeing of Young Workers are a priority for WorkSafe Victoria & BGT Jobs and Training.
BGT Jobs & Training have a Work Health & Safety policy in place.
WorkSafe Victoria provide helpful resources related specifically to Young Workers.
We’re extremely proud to have helped write, and in some cases rewrite, the story of so many local people’s lives by providing the critical assistance, knowledge and employment early on, so that their career can deliver the outstanding personal success that so many of our graduates enjoy.