Our Team

BGT Jobs & Training Ballarat


Graham McMahon
Graham McMahon


Emma Hart
General Manager
Emma Hart



Business Services

Brooke Fiddaman
Business Services Coordinator
Brooke Fiddaman


Holly Boyd
Operations & Facilities Coordinator
Holly Boyd


Jacqueline Riggs
Jacqueline Riggs


Ian Parsons
Cleaning & Maintenance Officer
Ian Parsons



Marketing & Events

Bridget McMillan
Marketing & Events Coordinator
Bridget McMillan




Debra Parsons
Management Accountant
Debra Parsons


Nischal Kc
Finance Officer
Nischal Kc


Dearna Mallia
Payroll Officer
Dearna Mallia



Compliance & WHS

Suzie Wilkins
RTO Administration & Compliance Officer
Suzie Wilkins


Ben Moodie
WHS Officer
Ben Moodie

Employment Services

Sunny Kumar
Employment Services Manager
Sunny Kumar


Matthew Bunning
Apprenticeship & Traineeship Consultant
Matthew Bunning


Lynette Clarke
Training & Compliance Manager
Lynette Clarke


Rebecca Patton
Trainer & Assessor (Early Childhood Education, Business)
Rebecca Patton


Vincent Fritze
Trainer & Assessor (Barbering)
Vincent Fritze
Nawraj Gautam
Trainer & Assessor (Disability Support)
Nawraj Gautam


Mian Bilal
Trainer & Assessor (Business)
Mian Bilal



Skills Centre

Bill Burgess
Skills Centre Manager
Bill Burgess
Paul Dickman
Senior Trainer & Assessor
Paul Dickman
Matthew Rosenhart
Trainer & Assessor​
Matthew Rosenhart
Adrian Van Deur
Trainer & Assessor
Adrian Van Deur
Alysia Kervarec
Skills Centre Administrator
Alysia Kervarec



Community Services

Dee Hastings
Manager Community Services
Dee Hastings


Pru Taylor
Better Futures Development Coach
Pru Taylor


Karen Ede
Better Futures Development Coach
Karen Ede


Ella Funcke
Better Futures Development Coach
Ella Funcke


Jasmine West
Better Futures Development Coach
Jasmine West


Tennille McLauchlan
Reconnect Development Coach (Parental Leave Position)
Tennille McLauchlan


Emma Smith
Better Futures Development Coach
Emma Smith


Meagan Cowton
Meagan Cowton


Jemmah Seivers
Jemmah Seivers



All positions delivering education and/or services to children must hold a valid Working with Children Check (WWCC).
Please refer to relevant position description for our WWCC requirements.

BGT Jobs & Training Ballarat is a child safe organisation, committed to the safety and wellbeing of children and young people.
BGT Jobs & Training Ballarat is an equal opportunity employer; all applicants will receive consideration for employment regardless of gender, age, disability status, sexual orientation, gender identity, ethnicity or religious or cultural background.  Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders are encouraged to apply.

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